Friday, November 07, 2008

Long Long Time Ago...

Well, only about a month ago. Since I've already committed the mortal sin of doing a post based on events that happened in the (semi-) distant past, I thought I'd post a few videos of our fall adventures. Therefore you can randomly sample our occasionally-taped family happiness! Or something like that. It's late. I'm punchy. On with the videos:

T. lets his fingers do the dancing at Terhune Orchards

Why do I ask how the cow likes it? I don't know. (@Terhune Orchards)

An existentialist work on the inherent variability in our lives and how 
quickly we tire of our own pleasures. Either that, or I've got meningitis


LizzyP said...

I love these videos. I'm stilling pondering the third. What in the world was Thomas doing in the first? What a kick!

Anonymous said...

Love it when kids hear fun and different music. My kids always loved to dance to Dixieland Jazz...that kid has rhythm.

Love the swing picture - it is fun - plus I didn't get motion sick from that angle...bonus.

Love to you all
