Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Our Little Missionary

On Sunday, Thomas's CTR 5 teacher gave each member of his class a little Book of Mormon in a little bag with their name sewn on it. Pretty impressive. When I was a primary teacher, the kids were lucky to get a blank piece of paper to color on at the end of class.

Well, it just happened that the next day I was scheduled to go to school with Thomas (it's a cooperative preschool where each parent helps out roughly once a month). That also meant Thomas got to bring something for show and tell and he picked his new Book of Mormon. I think it's pretty cool that to Thomas, going to church and talking about going to church is just part of his life. He doesn't think anything about it. The kids in his preschool are from a pretty wide range of religious backgrounds and they're fine discussing it with each other. Go kids! (Though the art teacher could use a little help. I thought her presentation on Hanukkah* this winter left a lot to be desired and I'm not even Jewish).

Anyway, I videoed Thomas's presentation. The full video runs a little over nine minutes and was huge, file size-wise, so I chopped it up into thirds. The three videos are below.

(Note: While I think it's adorable, I'm fully aware that this is the kind of video probably only family could enjoy. The camera work is a little sketchy, there's plenty of background noise, and it contains the extended ramblings of a four-year-old. Like I said, I think it's very sweet, but just be warned.)

*I was the helping parent during Hanukkah on their art day and the school's art instructor was having the kids make construction paper menorahs with gold sparkles for flames. She had brought a Hanukkah book with her, but had apparently failed to actually read it because the story she told went something like this: "Well the Jewish people were fighting with the Syrians and then it came time for Hanukkah and the Jewish people were afraid they wouldn't have enough oil to light their menorahs, so Hanukkah almost didn't happen, but then they discovered they had enough oil for eight days, so they got to celebrate Hanukkah and they called it the Great Miracle."


the meyersons said...

Such a STUD!! I love that kid. I'm glad he is enjoying his book!! He's such a good little guy.

Eryn said...

I watched the whole thing--loved it. Well, yes the teacher was a little off on the story (wow).